
I have tried to write the things that I see,

But adequate words still fail me.

Did you ever watch the sun go down,

And try to tell it in words profound,

Or try to describe what we see every day,

As the sun comes up horizon’s away?

Have you ever looked at a meadow of grass

Or a field of grain, or a mountain pass,

And tried to make a blind man see

Through words put down by you or me;

The wonders of nature we see each day,

As we spend our lives at work and play?

I appreciate the morning light,

The evening dusk and birds in flight,

The sun at noon,

The silver moon,

And the stars in the sky,

As they pass by,

But my words won't paint the picture for you

Of the hoary frost, or the morning dew.

You must open your eyes to truly see

That blade of grass or stately tree.

My pen won't tell you the earth's surprise.

Please don't miss it due to lazy eyes.

December 1979

Copyright ©2002 Donald Brackeen

-  The Index  -

"Attitude"     "Winter"     "Reflections"     "My Friend"

"The Way We Are"     "Life"     "Cognation"     

"Observation"     "Shadows of Love"


Site Courtesy of J's Magic Galleries


