
The wind is cold but I don't care -

A hint of snow is in the air.

The clouds hang low in the morning light -

A flock of ducks in early flight.

Smoke from a chimney across the way,

Trails southeast at the break of day.

In my blind, high above the ground,

I watch and listen to nature's sound.

The birds and animals begin their day,

As they sing and forage in their own way.

Blackbirds, Redbirds, Bluebirds and Crows,

How many others, only God knows.

Coyotes, Skunks, Rabbits and Squirrels,

Does and fawns, and a big Buck's whirls.

Sensing a danger, he runs away,

And lives to see another day.

God created all things, can we doubt

When we look in the mirror and all about?

No accident of nature I see -

Just a loving God who created me.

December - 1990

copyright Donald Brackeen


-  The Index  -

"Attitude"     "Winter"     "Reflections"     "My Friend"

"The Way We Are"     "Life"     "Cognation"     

"Observation"     "Shadows of Love"


Site Courtesy of J's Magic Galleries

